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Benefits and perks at ChowNow

The only fair-for-all food ordering marketplace β€” no commissions for restaurants and no hidden fees for diners.
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Benefits at ChowNow (9)

ChowNow provides learning and development budget, medical insurance, and 7 other employee benefits and perks.

πŸ“š Learning and development budget

Expand your skills with company-funded courses and programs.

πŸš‘ Medical insurance

Stay fit and secure with access to quality healthcare.

🦷 Dental insurance

Smile confidently with comprehensive dental coverage.

πŸ€“ Vision insurance

Keep your eyes healthy without worrying about costs.

πŸ– Paid time off

Enjoy well-deserved breaks with company-sponsored paid leave.

401(K) matching

Boost your retirement savings with employer-matched contributions.

πŸ’° Profit sharing

Reap the rewards of your hard work with a share of company profits.

πŸŽ‰ Company events

Network and bond with your team at fun, engaging events.

🍝 Company meals

Enjoy delicious, shared meals with your colleagues.

Culver City, California