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Salaries at HumanSecurity

We're a cybersecurity company that safeguards enterprises and internet platforms from bot attacks, fraud & account abuse
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Salary summary at HumanSecurity

HumanSecurity's salary ranges from $200,000 in total compensation per year for a VP Partnerships & Alliances at the low-end to $220,000 for a VP Partnerships & Alliances at the high-end.

Average salaries at HumanSecurity

Average Minimum Salary: $200,000

Average Salary: $210,000

Average Maximum Salary: $220,000

HumanSecurity Salary FAQ
How much do HumanSecurity employees get paid?
The median yearly total compensation reported at HumanSecurity is $145,000.
What's the highest salary at HumanSecurity?
The highest paying role reported at HumanSecurity is VP Partnerships & Alliances with a yearly total compensation of $220,000. This includes only base salary without any potential stock compensation and bonuses.
What's the lowest salary at HumanSecurity?
The lowest paying role reported at HumanSecurity is VP Partnerships & Alliances with a yearly total compensation of $200,000. This includes only base salary without any potential stock compensation and bonuses.
Last updated: 2024-04-30
New York, NY
Company size
201-500 employees people
Company type
Privately held
Last round size
US$ 100.0M (Series unknown)
Notable investor

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